Dr. G Venkateswarlu

About Me:

Treat the diseases based on the principles of Ayurveda under the lime light of modern science


Year Degree Institute
2006 BAMS
2010 MS(Ay)

Appointmnet Schedules:

Day Time
8:00am - 3:00pm Appointment

MS (Ay) (gold medal) Ayurvedic Proctologist and Kshara sutra Specialist. Treat the diseases based on the principles of Ayurveda under the lime light of modern science.

Completed post graduation in ayurvedic surgery in 2010 from govt ayurvedic college Hyderabad.

Attended many surgical workshops all over india and presented papers in conferences.

Working as a faculty for siicp Bangalore in minimally invasive proctology programme and taught ayurvedic contribution in proctology to modern surgeons.

Achived young susrutha award in 2019.

Working as a consultant in kapil ayurveda hospital, ksac hospital, hitam ayurveda hospital Hyderabad.

Having experience in conducting minimally invasive ayurveda procedures in complex fistulas, piles , fissure and pionidal sinus.