Do’s and Don’ts After IFTAK Treatment for Fistula 

IFTAK technique

Ksharsutra therapy is one of the best treatment modalities in Ayurveda classics. It is the biggest medical advancement and proved to be effective in the field of fistula in ano. However, it is a time consuming process and comprises a few post procedural complications. So, in order to eliminate the disadvantages associated with Ksharsutra therapy, IFTAK an advanced innovative technique is introduced. 

IFTAK (Interception of Fistulous tract and application of Ksharsutra) treatment for Fistula is an innovative ksharasutra technique used in trans sphincteric fistula in ano. Dr M. Sahu, (faculty of Ayurveda, Banaras Hindu University, UP) developed IFTAK technique for treating complex and recurrent fistula in ano. It has shown a great potential in preventing the recurrence and complications associated with ano-rectal disorders. 

Are you planning for IFTAK Treatment in India for Fistula? If yes, then you might be in search of pre and post procedural precautions which you need to follow. Read here the dos and don’ts to achieve all your desired results.   

Dos After IFTAK Technique For Fistula 

  • Arrange someone who can drive you home safely.
  • Do change the dressing regularly. 
  • Your doctor will prescribe certain medications. Take medications regularly to avoid post procedural swelling and scars.
  • Keep yourself hydrated both before and after the procedure 
  • Expect minimal pain immediately after the procedure. 
  • If you experience any swelling after the procedure, speak to your immediately.  

Don’ts After IFTAK Technique For Fistula 

  • Don’t scratch the incision sites even if you feel itchy.
  • Don’t do heavy exercises because it may cause swelling.
  • Avoid smoking for a period of 1 month following the procedure. 
  • Quit alcohol for a period of 2 months following the procedure. 


The results of any medical procedure depends on after procedural care. To match the actual results with your expected results, one must follow all the suggestions given by the doctor.  

IFTAK is a completely safe and effective procedure which yields better outcomes. Follow all aforementioned instructions to enjoy the maximum results. Looking for the best IFTAK Treatment in India? Contact us now and get the best treatment for Fistula