(Hemorrhoids) Piles Treatment in Manikonda

Understanding and Treating Piles

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. They occur when the blood vessels in the rectum or anus become swollen and inflamed, leading to discomfort and pain. Piles are classified into two main types: internal and external, depending on their location. Internal piles develop inside the rectum, while external piles form under the skin around the anus. This condition is particularly prevalent among individuals over the age of 50, but it can affect people of all ages.

The discomfort caused by piles can range from mild irritation to severe pain, making it difficult for sufferers to go about their daily lives. While piles are not usually life-threatening, they can lead to complications if not treated promptly. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and available treatments is crucial for managing this condition effectively.

Symptoms of Piles

Piles can present with a variety of symptoms that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. The symptoms can vary depending on whether the piles are internal or external, but common signs include:

  • Pain and Discomfort During Bowel Movements: One of the most common symptoms of piles is pain during bowel movements. This pain can be sharp and intense, particularly if the piles are large or if there is a tear in the anal tissue. In some cases, the pain can persist even after the bowel movement is complete.
  • Itching or Irritation Around the Anus: Itching or irritation is another frequent symptom of piles. This occurs due to the inflammation and swelling of the tissues, which can cause the skin around the anus to become sensitive and irritated. Scratching the area can exacerbate the symptoms, leading to further discomfort.
  • Swelling or Lumps Near the Anus: External piles often manifest as lumps or swelling near the anus. These lumps can be tender to the touch and may cause discomfort when sitting or walking. In some cases, the swelling can become so severe that it obstructs the anal opening, making bowel movements difficult.
  • Bleeding After a Bowel Movement: Many people with piles notice blood in their stool or on the toilet paper after a bowel movement. This bleeding is usually bright red and occurs when the swollen blood vessels are irritated during the passage of stool. While bleeding is a common symptom, it should not be ignored, as it can sometimes indicate a more serious condition.
Causes of Piles

Several factors can contribute to the development of piles, and understanding these causes can help in prevention and management:

  • Chronic Constipation: One of the leading causes of piles is chronic constipation. Straining during bowel movements puts excessive pressure on the blood vessels in the rectum and anus, leading to swelling and the formation of piles. Constipation can be caused by a lack of dietary fiber, dehydration, or certain medications.
  • Straining During Bowel Movements: Even in the absence of constipation, excessive straining during bowel movements can lead to the development of piles. This is often due to poor bowel habits, such as delaying defecation or spending too much time on the toilet.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle is a significant risk factor for piles. Sitting for prolonged periods, particularly on hard surfaces, can put pressure on the veins in the rectal area, leading to swelling and inflammation.
  • Obesity: Excess body weight, especially around the abdomen, increases the pressure on the pelvic and rectal areas, making it more likely for piles to develop. Obesity is often associated with other risk factors for piles, such as a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.
  • Low-Fiber Diet: A diet low in fiber is a common cause of constipation, which in turn can lead to piles. Fiber helps to soften stool and promote regular bowel movements, reducing the strain on the anal and rectal veins.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy is another common cause of piles, particularly in the third trimester. The increased pressure on the pelvic veins from the growing uterus, along with hormonal changes, can lead to the development of piles. This condition is usually temporary, but it can cause significant discomfort for pregnant women.
  • Aging: As people age, the tissues in the rectal and anal areas become weaker and more susceptible to stretching and swelling. This makes older adults more prone to developing piles, especially if they have a history of constipation or other risk factors.
What Happens If Piles Are Ignored?

Ignoring the symptoms of piles can lead to a range of complications that can severely impact your health and quality of life. While piles are not usually life-threatening, they can become increasingly problematic if left untreated:

  • Chronic Pain and Discomfort: Over time, the pain and discomfort associated with piles can become more severe. What might start as occasional irritation can progress to constant pain that interferes with daily activities, such as sitting, walking, and even sleeping.
  • Prolapsed Piles: Internal piles can become prolapsed, meaning they protrude out of the anal canal. This can cause significant pain and discomfort, especially during bowel movements. In severe cases, prolapsed piles may require surgical intervention to correct.
  • Thrombosed Piles: Sometimes, the blood within an external pile can clot, forming what is known as a thrombosed pile. This condition is extremely painful and can cause significant swelling and inflammation. Thrombosed piles may need to be surgically removed to relieve the symptoms.
  • Anemia: Chronic bleeding from piles can lead to anemia, a condition where the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues. Anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath, and may require medical treatment to manage.
  • Infection: The constant irritation and inflammation associated with piles can sometimes lead to infection. An infected pile can cause additional pain, swelling, and fever, and may require antibiotics or surgical drainage to treat.

Given these potential complications, it is crucial to seek medical attention if you suspect you have piles. Early treatment can prevent these issues and improve your overall quality of life.

Treatment Methods

At Dr. Saraja’s Ayurveda Anorectal Hospital in Manikonda, Hyderabad, we offer a range of treatment options for piles, tailored to meet the needs of each patient. Our approach combines the wisdom of Ayurveda with modern medical techniques to provide effective, holistic care:

  • Ayurvedic Treatment: Ayurvedic piles treatment focuses on natural remedies to reduce inflammation and promote healing. This may include herbal medications, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications designed to balance the body’s energies and support the healing process. Ayurvedic treatments are particularly effective for managing the symptoms of piles and preventing recurrence.
  • Piles Laser Treatment: For those seeking a modern solution, we offer Piles laser treatment in Manikonda. Laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that uses focused laser energy to remove or shrink the piles. This treatment is quick, virtually painless, and allows for a faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.
  • Advanced Laser Treatment: Our Advanced Laser Treatment options provide even greater precision and effectiveness. This state-of-the-art technology ensures that the treatment is targeted and minimizes damage to surrounding tissues. Advanced Laser Treatment is ideal for patients who want a fast, effective solution with minimal discomfort.
  • Painless Piles Surgery: Our Painless piles surgery in Hyderabad is designed to offer effective relief with the least discomfort. We use the latest surgical techniques to remove or repair piles, ensuring a quick recovery and a low risk of complications. Our surgeons are highly experienced and committed to providing the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Our approach includes Ayurvedic piles treatment in Hyderabad that focuses on natural remedies to reduce inflammation and promote healing. For those seeking a modern solution, we provide Piles laser treatment in Manikonda and Advanced Laser Treatment options that are minimally invasive, ensuring quick recovery with minimal pain. Our Painless piles surgery in Hyderabad is designed to offer effective relief with the least discomfort.

Dr. Saraja’s Ayurveda Anorectal Hospital is renowned for providing the Best piles treatment in Hyderabad. Our team of Top piles doctors in Hyderabad is committed to offering personalized care. Whether you seek Ayurvedic piles treatment in Hyderabad or the latest in Advanced Laser Treatment, Dr. Saraja’s is your trusted partner for effective and compassionate care.